Moral Support System
This actually occupies my mind a lot. Everyday, as I see people driving carelessly or aggressively or hear of people acting out sexually or ripping others off, I do wonder.
This being Easter Monday brings morals to focus and for the first time since child sex scandals ran rampant, I have noticed churches making public statements against immoral behaviour. This is more often something to do with government level behaviour. Well, can a government can have morals?
As a child I was forced to take moral cues from my parents, Catholic teachers and the church. Later, from my peers and larger social group, surfers mainly. From around this time sex, drugs and criminal behavior became a daily choice. Though I am not as heavily influenced by peers any more, this is pretty much how it remains today.
In fact I would say that I have few friends due to other people's moral codes. I cannot abide greed, theft, sexual misconduct and basic rudeness. After witnessing my wife of 30 years having an immoral relationship outside the home, lying to put children and myself in the process; the power of a good moral life was only reinforced.
I am guessing that although I witnessed child abuse in the church first hand, I realised from a young age that living a good life was of great comfort in and of itself. My father has passed and my mother is very old, but they have been, still are, my moral supports. Even on their absence, I know they would approve of the way I lead my life. But essentially I am my own moral support in chief. Only then, when the chips are down and temptation rewards it's ugly head, can I decide upon a path of correct behavior. It's funny that I (or the everyday, less conscious part of me) trundles along through life and a situation may arise that feels unsafe or not quite right. Then my Upper Being kicks in and after a brief debate usually wins out and I progress with record intact.
I'm not so naive to believe in my own moral code though. I'm sure we met people every day who act in immoral ways, but can justify their actions by certain mental contortions. Our thoughts can trick us no end, then it is time to seek external reference and ask beyond our own minds questions like: "what would dad, Jesus or Buddha do ?". Or what would The Other Person think?
But, rest assured that a poor choice will trouble your soul for years, and at some point self-deceit will be exposed and you will live with the consequences. Too truly live a happy life, you must live morally.
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