Varroa Destructor
Alternatively Varroa Mite is a parasitic insect that feeds on bees & decimate colonies. Probably, its responsible for Colony Collapse Disorder. Serious little buggers. Australia has remained free of Varroa Mite ... until last week. This week Sentinal Hives set up around the Port of Newcastle were found to contain the mite. The Ag Department has ordered immediate by beekeepers;- 1. the location of all hives within 50 kilometres be notified immediately. 2. No hives in that zone can be worked or opened unless for testing for Varroa. 3. All hives within 10k will be euthanized, wild hives within 25k alsowill be euthanized. Known hives in that range will be monitored for signs of Varroa. 4. Beekeepers remain alert for further updates and to assist Dep of Ag as required. For me, that means I lose 5 hives at my mother's place in town....